About Me/The Point

About Me - Laura P.
Novice blogger, long-time movie watcher, with cinephilic urges waiting to be purged. Being a Film Studies major and taking many movie classes, but not having quite as many movie geek friends or family such as myself, I figure the internet would be a good place to express my movie theories and obscure references that no one else really understands. Huzzah for the advent of social media!

The Point
Taking class after class on films, and witnessing the star-studded yet lazy Hollywood products earn millions can make a girl feel real cynical and depressed about the state of movies. At one point I realized I stopped watching movies just for the fun of it. That's where I hope this blog will step in and kick-start my lazy butt.

It's mostly for personal purposes. More like a documentation/scrapbooking of all my film-related likes, loves, hates, and finds. Including reviews/thoughts on films, re-posts of interesting articles, vids, etc. The point of this blog is to be a kind of testament to what I love about movies. If I am at all bitter and critical of films, it's because I know how great the medium can truly be. To me, the movies are pretty damn amazing, with the ability to create new worlds, represent cultures/events/people, bring incredible dreams to life, and indeed to bring you right into the middle of them. Forreel doh, it ain't no joke.