Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trailer Time: HP 7.5. Submarine, y señor Will Ferrel

Let's start of this edition of Trailer time with one that half the world and their mom have probably seen already: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, or as I like to call it, Harry Potter 7.5. As a long-time HP fan of the books and the movies (films 1 and 2 - I am NOT talking about you) I am both excited for and dreading the last entry in the beloved series. For what else can capture the hearts and minds of peoples all around the world for the good part of almost 15 years? (Twilight, I am NOT talking about you) That being said, 7.5 is looking just as grand and epic as we all hope it to be. Check it out after the jump

On to other things, here's the trailer for a new British film called Submarine. It looks like a collage of a lot of stuff we've seen before: quirky coming-of-age story, about a lost and awkward teenage boy, with potentially hipster-y accents. But it looks pretty entertaining and creative, something more like from the mind of Wes Anderson, and already has some rave reviews. Hope to see it stateside.

Taking a break from the Brits, here's an interesting little flick Casa de mi padre (or you non-spanish speakers, that's "House of my father"), starring Will Ferrell in the main role. Yes the film is in Spanish. Yes it stars Will Ferrel. And yes, that is Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna who have also produced the film. Porque? Yo no sé. Pero me aparece comó la ostia.

*Addendum: Just saw the trailer for 30 Minutes or Less. Doesn't look all that amazing, but I am a fan of Jesse Eisenberg for all his smarty awkwardness, and the trailer is worth watching just for Aziz Asnari. Enjoy

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