J. Edgar trailer at Apple Trailers.
The Swell Season
I watched Once after hearing a lot of buzz about it, particularly from those indie music geeks and hipstery college kids that were/are my peers, and I was impressed by the simple indie-film love story and modern-day musical. The then real-life couple/musicians of the film went on to win an Oscar and were booked to perform gigs all over the world. A few years later, here is a documentary following the couple as they tour, reap the benefits of their success and suffer the downfall of their relationship. Judging by the trailer, it looks like an even more honest and touching story than the original film about the realities of the musician's lifestyle and of a straining relationship.
The Muppets
For all the buzz about it, I've yet to really research the new Muppets movie coming out, so I still don't know what the hell it is about despite all of the hilarious parodies that they've been making. But thus far my favorite one is their latest. I have to say I'm very impressed by the spot-on imitation of editing style and tone of David Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trailer (which I also really love and am dying to see). I like that the parody doesn't simply mock Fincher's (it admits that it's not), but rather adopts its gritty style to mismatch it with the not-so-gritty style of the Muppets and still makes it entertaining.
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