Friday, April 22, 2011

Follow Up: 100 More Things I Love

As a follow up to that thedroidyourelookingfor article on 100 Things I Love About the Movies, here's another article from the same author called (surprise) 100 More Things I Love About the Movies.

I didn't do this earlier, but here are the ones I definitely share, AND with a few addendums:

1. Janet Leigh’s blood spiraling down the drain in Psycho…
  • And the tracking shot from Janet Leigh to the suitcase
2. along with Hitchcock’s Freudian affection for blondes
  •  And his Freudian examination of mother-son relationships 
  • And his obsession with audience voyeurism and the male gaze
5. Jack Lemmon hearing “Nobody’s perfect!” after confessing to his future, um… “husband” that he’s not really a woman at the end of Some Like it Hot
15. Battleship Potemkin‘s incredible montage sequence on the Odessa Steps
19. Rango‘s double homage to both Deliverance and Apocalypse Now in a single scene
21. And Rango‘s homage to the entire Man With No Name trilogy, including- but not limited to- a rattlesnake that looks like Lee Van Cleef

  • And Rango's influence from Tex Avery, and the Coen bros
  • Seriously, Rango really is that good
28. The hilarious yet grisly fates of every child tourist visiting Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory
32. Charles Foster Kane’s sled was probably a symbol for a vagina (I'm not so sure about this theory, but just the idea of it and that fact it exists is awesome)
  • But since we're on the topic, there's also the silent film sequence from  Hable con Ella

Talk to her / Hable con ella by zmin_inc
       34. Whatever the hell was in this briefcase:

    40. Ennio Morricone scores. All of them.
    60. A very long, very detailed discussion of Madonna’s songs in Reservoir Dogs
    • W/ Messers. Brown, White, Orange, Pink, Blue, and Blonde
    68. The truffle shuffle
    69. Italian neo-realism
    72. Luis Buñuel’s fierce satire of every social institution imaginable
    73. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” 
    82. Fritz Lang’s little slice of pre-Nazi Germany zeitgeist in M, which includes a suspiciously meticulous police state and a whole lot of public vitriol and vigilante justice
    • The early experimental use of sound in M
    • The opening looking-for-Elsie sequence
    • Peter Lorre whistling "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
    • Peter Lorre's monologue 
    84. Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai was re-made as The Magnificent Seven
    90. The behind-the-scenes-nobody-knows-about-her work of Thelma Schoonmaker, the film editor that makes Martin Scorsese films possible
    94. Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers

    Backtracking, here are my faves from the 1st list:

    2. “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
    4. Vertigo is actually about necrophilia
    •  And transexualism, the Male Gaze, and ...well, vertigo
    12. This wallet

    13. Roooooose Buuuuuud
    16. Humphrey Bogart
    22. Karen Hill stuffing a gun into her panties in Goodfellas 
    • "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"
    • The "Layla" sequence
    • And garlic that melts in the pan
    24. Heath Ledger as The Joker
    29. Martin Scorsese’s love affair with Motown and the Rolling Stones.
    38. The hobo last supper in Viridiana

    39. Peter Lorre’s creepy bulging eyes
    47. The juxtaposition of the beauty of classical music with the brutality of boxing in Raging Bull
    55. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!
    • How Network helped defined a generation and predicted the future
    • That The Social Network (get it?) also defined a generation
    58. I drink your milkshake! I drink it up! 
    63. I know it was you, Fredo.
    64. The Man with No Name
    • With Eli Wallach as Tuco
    74. What business is it of yours where I’m from, friendo?
    • Javier Bardem's hair in No Country for Old Men (it's a love/hate) 
    79. I’m not even supposed to be here today!
    • Evaluating the Star Wars series
    • Jay and Silent Bob's bromance

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